RKD Game is a game review app that provides a series of reviews about the classic and newest arcade games and provides the gaming community for gamers. The app is geared toward people who have an interest in arcade games and looking for friends to play together with.
First-gen Job is a job search tool to help first-generation immigrants. First-gen Job’s primary target users include people who are just come to the U.S. and have language embarrassment and people who came to the U.S. for a little while but still have difficulty assimilating into society.
YHZ 3D Animator is a showcase website to help a 3D animation student build a portfolio website for a potential job opportunity.
Beyond UX Designer, I'm also a game designer.
Click here to know more about me.
I'm open to freelance, part-time, and full-time positions in UX/UI.
Also, feel free to reach me by email txf8904@rit.edu.
I'm looking forward to talking to you.