First-Gen Job is a job search tool that aims to help first-generation immigrants:
1. Land their feet on the first job in the new country.
2. Explore the new job opportunity that fit their skills and background in their own cultural community
3. Get to know the company and salary information to avoid unfair treatment in the workplace.
4. Learn new skills that will help them in their future job position.
Problem Framing
Concept development
Course Project
April 2022 - May 2022
UI/UX design
User research
Service design
Web design
The United States has a larger immigrant population, about 14.4% of the United States population are immigrants. Most immigrants came to the U.S. looking for a better life. However, there are many difficulties in their way of finding a job, such as a language embarrassment or trade unfairly in the job place.
Design a tool that will help first-generation immigrants to find a job and help them to know if they are traded fairly in the workplace.
The participants of the initial user interview are all of the young generations which did not include the older generation. These two age ranges have very different user pain points which cause the first version did not solve the user pain points. This leads me to change a lot of detail in the project. Therefore, I learned that good user research is very important at the beginning.